AI for Medicine Research Group


At the AI for Medicine Research Group, we are dedicated to advancing the field of precision medicine through the use of artificial intelligence. Collaboration is essential to make progress in this field, which is why we provide on our GitHub page the open-source code associated with our publications. We invite you to explore our tools and hope they will inspire your own research. If you’re interested in collaborating with us, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the email address provided on our website.

Slice Level Data Leakage
Slice Level Data Leakage

Effect of data leakage caused by inappropriate train/validation split of 3D MR image data.

Synthetic data generation


Generative adversarial network to synthesize brain MRI of Alzheimer’s patients and healthy controls, and perform classification.

Synthetic Images Metrics Toolkit
Synthetic Images Metrics Toolkit

Collection of state-of-the-art metrics for the evaluation of the quality of synthetic images - AVAILABLE SOON
