AI for Medicine Research Group



Participation at ISBI 2024 in Athens

Exciting news! This week Matteo participated to the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) in Athens, from 27 to 30th May.

Participation at the Aindo hackathon

From February 3rd to 4th, Andrea and Matteo participated at the first Synthetic Data Hackathon hosted by Aindo, held at Sapienza Università di Roma.

Annual ITRN Meeting 2024

Today, Giulia and Prof. Stefano Diciotti joined the Third Annual ITRN Meeting hosted at the University of Bologna.

Acceptance at the ISBI 2024 conference

Our latest paper, titled “Brain MRI Synthesis using StyleGAN2-ADA,” has been accepted for presentation at ISBI 2024 conference!


Summer School ASAI-ER Bertinoro

Today, Giulia and Laura concluded the Advanced School in Artificial Intelligence located in Bertinoro (FC)!

I-ELCAP 44th International Conference on Screening for Lung Cancer

Today, Giulia is back home from the 44th International Conference on Screening for Lung Cancer & 12th Conference on Research for Early Lung Cancer Treatment located in Verona (VR)!


Today is a big day for Giulia! She graduated with a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Bologna, in Cesena Campus!

PhD position

Today, 1st March 2023, Andrea Espis will join our research Group! Welcome Andrea!


INFN Hackathon

Today, Riccardo and Matteo will join the Third ML-INFN Hackathon: Advanced Level located in Bari! During these days they will also visit ReCas DataCenter near the Physics Department in Bari

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